Interesting jab post on Telegram

President Trump and the jab?

He would have been labeled an enemy of the people by the Democrats and fake news media for not providing a “vaccine”.

They would have impeached him again.

We’d still be in lockdown with muzzle mandates.

The Cabal planned to lock us down for 10+ years.

The economy would have been destroyed.

Millions more would have died through food shortages and depression.

After ten years, when millions had already died from lockdowns, the jabs would have been released and made mandatory.

It would have been forcibly injected at gunpoint into a depressed, sick, and demoralized population.

Instead, the Cabal was forced to release early under EUA.

The shots would have deadlier.

The Cabal wants to cull global population to 500M per Georgia Guidestones.

By releasing early, they lacked supply and cold storage to kill the planned number of people.

Instead, many people got placebo, or inactive mRNA due to improper storage.

Remember, Trump told us from the beginning that the virus came from a lab in China.

He explained what it was, and he ensured we were aware of the benefits of HCQ, Zinc, Ivermectin, and Regeneron.

He told us about these treatments months before the bioweapon shots were deployed.

Hydroxychloroquine is a synthetic form of Quinine.

Quinine has been used to treat colds and flus since the 1800s.

HCQ and Quinine are a zinc ionophores. They help zinc enter cells, preventing viruses from replicating.

They work like a preventative ‘vaccine’ as well as a cure.

President Trump also placed people like Fauci, Birx, Gates, Biden, Soros, Schwab, and Big Pharma in the spotlight, exposing their corruption to the world.

It will be impossible for the Cabal to pull off another plandemic, as very few people trust these corrupt players now.

In summary, President Trump was placed in a difficult situation.

People were going to die whatever he did.

But his course of action ultimately saved billions of lives globally.

And when he is reelected, he will deliver retribution.

Nuremberg 2.0 is coming.

Another important point.

Almost half of the country remains pureblood.

Anyone heard of a pureblood with long COVID?

The sudden deaths, aggressive cancers, Guillain-Barre syndrome, strange blood clots etc. only seem to happen to people who got injected.

About nuggets4u

Born Again Christian since 1977 / Insurance Business / Nurse Natural health since 1986 Roots of disease since 2008 / Pastor Dr Gail Facebook: Hope Outreach Community Centre I post information pertaining to/ natural health, Spirit, Soul, Body, Relationships, Finance, and World Affairs.
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