10 reasons why prophets

From: Apostle John Eckhardt


WEEP 1. Prophets are grieved and bothered by what others overlook. Prophets have a sensitivity to the things that grieve God.

2. Injustice bothers prophets.

3. Prophets are bothered when things are out of order.

4. Prophets are bothered when the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer.

5. Prophets are bothered when the poor and helpless are taken advantage of.

6. Prophets are bothered when the church is not fulfilling its call and purpose.

7. Prophets are bothered when the wrong people are in authority.

8. Prophets are bothered by hypocrisy.

9. Prophets are bothered by false teaching.

10. Prophets are bothered by carnality and apostasy.

This is what drives the prophet to prayer. This is what drives them to their prayer closet.

They pray for change. They cannot stand the way things are. They cry out to God.

They weep in their prayer closet. Praying prophets bring change. Be encouraged prophets, your prayers make a difference.

Joy will come when they are answered.

Jeremiah 13:17 But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears, because the Lord’s flock is carried away captive.” -John Eckhardt Thanks to Dr. H Mack Ballard for posting this.

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